Hardwired: On the Frontlines of Freedom

Julie Fishman Rayman and Andrea Martin, the IRF Caucus

Hardwired Global Season 1 Episode 4

Hear from two dynamic women who have exemplified that bi-partisan cooperation is possible in our current political climate – and that religious freedom is something we can all work together on. Today, Julie Fishman Rayman and Andrea Martin continue to showcase the power of working across the aisle in the U.S. Congress to protect freedom worldwide.

This conversation features Julie Fishman Rayman and Andrea Martin, former colleagues of Hardwired President Tina Ramirez, in the early days of the International Religious Freedom Caucus in Congress. At the time, Ramirez was the only full-time congressional staff devoted solely to international religious freedom. Her role was to be a resource for anyone seeking congressional attention on matters of religious persecution. Andrea and Julie, advisors to Democratic Congressmen, were instrumental in Tina's efforts.

In this conversation, we look back on the founding of the IRF Caucus and its role in creating a space to shine a light on religiously-motivated abuses on human rights. We discuss the bi-partisan nature of the work and remember the great influence of the distinguished Congressman Tom Lantos, the only survivor of the Holocaust to serve in the U.S. Congress. His leadership modeled the work of dialogue across differences.

Watch the interview on Hardwired's YouTube channel here: bit.ly/IRFCaucusinterview

The Congressional International Religious Freedom (IRF) Caucus is a bi-partisan group of nearly 60 members of the United States Congress who address religious persecution for people of any or no faith. Congressmen Trent Franks and Emanuel Cleaver II co-founded the caucus in 2006 to address religious persecution for people of any or no faith based on Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the spirit of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA). 

The caucus has played a critical role in raising the profile of numerous religious freedom issues in the U.S. Congress and has led to the release of many individuals imprisoned for their faith. It has ensured and continues to provide relief for many suffering under religious persecution. 

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